
What is Posture Alignment Therapy?

Posture Alignment of Maryland is an affiliate of The Egoscue Method. The Egoscue Method, a Posture Alignment Therapy, was created in the 1970’s by Pete Egoscue after being injured in Vietnam. Posture Alignment Therapy focuses on the importance of the position of the body and it’s effects on the body as a whole.

*Ideal Posture

The human body was designed to be balanced and symmetrical, from top to bottom and front to back. Hours of sitting, looking down at smart phones, driving, repetitive activities, and other life experiences cause the position of our bodies to change.

Our muscles are responsible for moving our bones. When the muscles have become too weak, too strong, too long, or too short, the natural design of our body is compromised. This results in posture deviations such as supinated or pronated feet, varus or valgus knees, posterior or anterior pelvis, rolled shoulders, head forward, and many more. We can usually feel these deviations with pain in the back, hip, neck shoulder etc…or lack of function in the body. Posture deviations can negatively impact our lives, affecting our mood, our quality of sleep, and keeping us from enjoying the activities and people in our lives that we love.

Posture Alignment Therapy teaches you how to move your body gently toward it’s intended design. Posture Alignment Therapy gives you the ability to discover and maintain the healthy posture you were meant to have, allowing you to lead the life you were meant to lead.

Better posture. Better Life.